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Sunday, 17 January 2016

Free Wifi on iOS

Apple is founded by Steve Jobs and we it is most rated company now a days economically and tested. Now a days we have the 3G anf 4G network and it has revolutionized the world. We have Wifi over every here in towns and cities and in our homes and we want it to be every where.

Cydia has changed the Apple world much and it is known as jailbreak and it has many features included in it and it leads apple to a further extinct. 

Here  i am gonna tell you about how to break a wifi in hostels rooms or friends place. It is a short and good method but remember for that your device should be jailbreak and it has working cydia, whatever the iOS or device is.


  • Open settings and Connect to Wifi
  • Open Cydia
  • Search > Wifi

  • Add this tweak (May be written in chinese)
  • Intsall this
  • respring Cydia
After intalling this tweak successfully go to this tweak that is shown on your homepage and open it. be sure that your wifi is toggle on .  After opening it select the network and tap on right option and your wifi will be connected.